Thursday, March 4, 2010

Consumer Promotions

Consumer Promotions are sales promotion tools used to boost short-term customer buying and involvement or to enhance long-term customer relationships (Kotler 404).

Coupons are one of the consumer promotions used, which are certificates that give buyers a saving when they purchase specified products (Kotler 404). The cell phone coupon is very popular in Japan and is a good example of Consumer Promotions: many companies have system of distributing coupons through cell phone. McDonalds, which attracts many low-price seekers, is a good example

McDonald’s Japan promotes price reductions and also offers new products for a limited time. During these periods McDonald’s Japan heavily uses mobile promotion, not through paper. All customer have to do is to go to McDonald’s website through their website and save the page with the coupon displayed. When they get to the store, one just has to show the screen and get the discount. The use of coupon through cell phone is effective because consumers do not have to physically carry the coupon with them to the store. This is especially true in places like Tokyo where majority of people heavily rely on cell phone. These coupons (or the saved page of the coupon) can be transferred to other users through the use of infrared data telecommunication that is built into the cell phone. Thus not only are cell phone coupons eliminate the task to carry the coupon itself, it has power to duplicate itself. This form is much more efficient and powerful than the traditional coupon.

cell phone image URL:

McDonald's Japan URL:

Shogo Okuda
Section G

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