Sunday, January 24, 2010

How do they always know?

Today as I was reading though chapter 4 of the textbook I came across the part about Pizza Hut and their methods for tracking and maintaining a strong customer base. Apparently, every time you or I shop somewhere, our purchases are tracked and information is gathered about who we are and what we like.

As I sifted through the 'junk mail' in my mailbox I couldn't help but wonder how many companies have my name and contact information and what purchases I've made as a direct result of their customized advertisements.

Within moments I had a list of several restaurants, concerts, and activities I had patronized over the last few months because of a personalized email or advertisement I had received. In fact, just yesterday I found myself standing at the counter of Jack in the Box ordering a hamburger simply because I had a coupon for it.

The helmet I wear when I ride my motorcycle was purchased after perusing a catalog that was sent to me shortly after I bought my motorcycle. The last concert I went to was suggested to me by the service I previously used to buy concert tickets.

I don't go out and buy anything and everything just because I get some catalog or coupon, but I've found that the ads that come to my door are getting very accurate to my wants and tastes. Now that I have a coupon or a discount, I am much more likely to make the purchase instead of waiting for my wants to become needs.

Cole Hamilton
Marketing 301E

1 comment:

  1. I have a similar experience like yours too, but it is in a form of letters. Companies such as phone service, car insurance, grocery store, etc. try to send me with ads, coupons, and discounts to encourage my need recognition and promote their products/services. Some of them got my money, some of them don't. However, I found some ads annoying though. Whenever I see letters from that company, I throw them away without even trying to see what is inside.

    - Jessica Chayavichitsilp
